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Dr. Mauricio A. Elzo

Professor, Animal Breeding and Genetics


Selected Publications


Selected Presentations


ANS 6386 (S) - Advanced Animal Breeding

ANS 6905 (F, S, SS) - Problems in Animal Science

ANS 7979 (F, S, SS) - Advanced Research

ANS 7980 (F, S, SS) - Research for Doctoral Dissertation


Development of models and procedures to improve the predictive ability and the accuracy of genetic evaluation, selection and mating strategies of straightbred and crossbred animals in national and international multibreed populations for individual traits and for functions of traits under various environmental conditions.

Research covers methodological, computational, biological, and applied aspects of genetic evaluation and estimation of genetic parameters in multibreed populations.  Models and procedures are validated using national and international experimental and field multibreed data sets.

  • NSTDA Project: "Development of a Dairy Genetic-Genomic Evaluation System in Thailand".
  • COLCIENCIAS Project "Selection with genomic and polygenic models for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in the high tropics of Nariño"
  • TSTAR Project:  FLA-ANS-004943 “Tropical and subtropical beef production: Genetic and genomic evaluation for feed efficiency”.
  • Hatch Project:  FLA-ANS-005150 “Improvement of Beef Cattle in Multibreed Populations: Phase V”.
  • PRJ-505B “Characterization of genetic, environmental, and economic factors affecting net profits of dairy farmers in Thailand: Phase II”.
  • PRJ-975 “Genetic improvement of swine for reproduction, production, and health traits raised in tropical environments”.
  • PRJ-1351B “Genetic evaluation and mating strategies for beef cattle, dairy cattle, and buffaloes in Colombia: Phase II”.

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1983-1986, Postdoctoral Research, Animal Breeding, Cornell University
1983, PhD, Genetics, University of California, Davis
1974, DVM, Austral University of Chile, 1974


1999-present, University of Florida, Professor
1992-1999, University of Florida, Associate Professor
1986-1992, University of Florida, Assistant Professor
1983-1986, Cornell University, Research Associate
1983, University of California, Davis, Research Associate
1977-1982,University of California, Davis, Research/Teaching Assistant
1974-1977, Austral University of Chile, Assistant Professor
1972-1974, Austral University of Chile, Teaching Assistant

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Mauricio A. Elzo, Ph.D.

PO Box 110910
Gainesville, FL 32611
Telephone: 352-392-7564
Fax: 352-392-7652

2250 Shealy Dr. Rm. 202D
Gainesville, FL 32611-0910

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